As per the guidelines and norms of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government a separate Grievance Redressal Mechanism is to be formed for the academic year 2018-19. The structure of the mechanism will be as under.
Sr. No. |
Name of the Member |
Designation |
1 |
Mr Kavaljit Birajdar, Principal |
Chairman |
2 |
Mrs. Rajshri Jadhav |
Coordinator |
3 |
Mrs. Kavita Laxman Rathod |
Invitee |
4 |
Mr. Shriram Kadam |
Member |
5 |
Miss. Pallavi Ghodake |
Member |
       The mechanism for online registration as well as disposal of the Grievances of students/Faculty/stakeholders is to be available on the college website This is enable us to receive and dispose of the Grievances online. Along with these the notice board/flex board fixed near the Office of its Head, indicating the details of online Grievance Redressal Mechanism i.e. URL of the online Grievance Redressal Portal, names, contact nos. and e-mail IDs of members of the Grievance Committee, to ensure publicity/awareness of the establishment of Grievance Redress Mechanism/Students Grievances Portal etc will be available in the campus.
       An online monthly Status Report regarding the number of Grievances received, disposed off and pending as on the last day of the previous month should be informed to AICTE. Non-registration of Grievances on the Web Site of the Institution resulting in more number of Grievances being registered on the portal of Central Government which would be an indication that the Grievance Redress Mechanism of the respective Institution/Organisation is not working properly to the satisfaction of the petitioners. The performance of the Grievance Redress Mechanism at the point of arising of the Grievance, i.e. Institution may be taken into account by the Accreditation Agencies. The Council shall take into account the performance of the Grievance Redress Mechanism at the point of origin of the Grievance, i.e. Institution, at the time of renewal of their permission/approval every year.