I welcome you Tatyaraoji More College of Pharmacy, Umerga. I furthermore take this opportunity to praise you for looking for admission to B.Pharmacy and D. Pharmacy courses and extend my greatest wishes for your dazzling and successful future.
       Increasing globalization and advancements in the field of the Pharmaceutical sector have led to a greater demand for qualified Pharmacists in Pharma industries, Pharma education, R & D, Pharma Marketing & Management, Hospitals and in the areas of Biotechnology and Clinical Research. The college has Competent and Skilled Faculty, Well-Equipped Laboratories, Spacious Lecture Halls and Matchin Room, a Voluminous Library, a Computer Laboratory with an internet facility and a massive playground with sports facilities.
       Tatyaraoji More College of Pharmacy has shown first-class compliance to the varying needs of the globalized world. Innovations in teaching-learning methods and value additions in the form of soft-skill training, career-orientation programs, grooming, etc., are some bold initiatives introduced by the institute.
       I hope you will enjoy the academic ambiance, affection and personalized care while expanding your intellectual and cultural horizons.